How to upgrade bios from Windows Vista (32 bit)



My computer came with windows XP. I have since upgrade to Vista
Ultimate. I have downloaded a bios update. The intruction tells me to
boot into a dos command promt and upgrade the bios from there. I have
tried to boot from several Windows installation CD - and press F8 -
but I always end up with my Vista Screen - and I cannot upgrade the
bios from Vista - right?
Thanks for any advice


My computer came with windows XP. I have since upgrade to Vista
Ultimate. I have downloaded a bios update. The intruction tells me to
boot into a dos command promt and upgrade the bios from there. I have
tried to boot from several Windows installation CD - and press F8 -
but I always end up with my Vista Screen - and I cannot upgrade the
bios from Vista - right?
Thanks for any advice

You need create a bootable diskette and copy the BIOS update to this

Insert in the diskette to the drive before booting up.

If the system fail to boot up from the diskette, change the boot
sequent to diskette from the BIOS.

If you don't understand the above, read the motherboard manual.

p/s Any reason to do the BIOS update? If you don't any any reason to
do it, then my advise - don't it. If anything went wrong, your
motherboard will end up useless.


ealadi said:
My computer came with windows XP. I have since upgrade to Vista
Ultimate. I have downloaded a bios update. The intruction tells me to
boot into a dos command promt and upgrade the bios from there. I have
tried to boot from several Windows installation CD - and press F8 -
but I always end up with my Vista Screen - and I cannot upgrade the
bios from Vista - right?
Thanks for any advice

The third entry down, on this page, has DOS boot disks for BIOS

Some things you can do with DRDFLASH are mentioned here. Examine
the files, and see how they line up with the stuff here.

What I use, is an old DOS boot floppy I made in Win98, years



My computer came with windows XP. I have since upgrade to Vista
Ultimate. I have downloaded a bios update. The intruction tells me to
boot into a dos command promt and upgrade the bios from there. I have
tried to boot from several Windows installation CD - and press F8 -
but I always end up with my Vista Screen - and I cannot upgrade the
bios from Vista - right?
Thanks for any advice

Thanks a lot for cautions and good advice. This was all helpful. I
borrowed my wife's usb-diskdrive and used a Dos-diskette. The
operation seems to be succesful. Ealadi


My computer came with windows XP. I have since upgrade to Vista
Ultimate. I have downloaded a bios update. The intruction tells me to
boot into a dos command promt and upgrade the bios from there. I have
tried to boot from several Windows installation CD - and press F8 -
but I always end up with my Vista Screen - and I cannot upgrade the
bios from Vista - right?
Thanks for any advice

Thanks a lot to CBFalconer, Webwalker, Paul and Kony for caution,
useful information and good advice. This was all helpful. I borrowed
my wife's usb-diskdrive and used a Dos-diskette. The operation seems
to be successful. Ealadi


Thanks a lot to CBFalconer, Webwalker, Paul and Kony for caution,
useful information and good advice. This was all helpful. I borrowed
my wife's usb-diskdrive and used a Dos-diskette. The operation seems
to be successful.


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