How to update data between different sheets in a workbook?


Stuart H

Due to our product differing so greatly with each enquiry/order we have
developed a workbook which creates a new sheet with each enquiry(approx 200
per month) Each sheet reads the customer data base info(another spreadsheet)
and holds the quote, jobsheet and d/note info which operate off macro's(I am
self taught so be gentle). We have recently included a data sheet at the end
of the workbook which stores the info from each sheet in table form. How can
I get the info from a previously created sheet to uopdate info, relating to
that sheet, if it changes bearing in mind that each time a new sheet is
created in inserts a line in the data sheet so the data is always moving?


I think from your desription the summary sheet should contain formulas to the
other sheets such as in summary sheet cell A2


The lformulas will always remain the same since your new data is in a new
row. then if you change data in any sheet the summary sheet will also
change. You will need to make some slight modifications to your old code
that copied the data to the summary sheet, and instead put in formulas.

Instead of

sheets("Summary).Range("A1") = sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")

use this

sheets("Summary).Range("A1").formula = "=Sheet1!A1"

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