How to uninstall Windows XP and install Windows 2000



I would like to install Windows 2000 on a pre-instaled
Windows XP laptop. I saw he following message when I
insert the 2000 setup CD "The CD-ROM is from an older
verion of Windows than the one you are presently using.
Setup functionality from this disk will be disabled."

How can I safely uninstall Windows XP (it's not an
upgraded) and install Windows 2000?


Just wipe the hard drive and install 2000, you can't uninstall XP if there
wasn't a previous OS on the laptop that was upgraded to XP. Just make sure
you have all the W2K drivers you need for that laptop before installing.

Michael Stevens

Pat said:
I would like to install Windows 2000 on a pre-instaled
Windows XP laptop. I saw he following message when I
insert the 2000 setup CD "The CD-ROM is from an older
verion of Windows than the one you are presently using.
Setup functionality from this disk will be disabled."

How can I safely uninstall Windows XP (it's not an
upgraded) and install Windows 2000?

Depends on what you consider "safely". :cool: You will need to run the Windows
2000 setup from booting from the 2000 CD and following the prompts to delete
the current XP partition and use the empty space as the location for 2000 to
Be aware your laptop warranty and any extra support you may have purchased
as long as 2000 is installed. Plus the possibility of no longer having the
ability to restore the laptop to it's original shipped state if the restore
files are located on the hard drive. You will also not have access to the
bundled software and probably lose some of the laptops specialized
Otherwise, 2000 should work fine. Check the link below before switching to
Click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into the address box
if using the web based newsgroup.
Restore XP

Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
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