How to turn off 401.3?



I'm using Win2k Server. I'm trying to access a Cold Fusion file via I'm logged in as Admin and get the
Error: Access Denied

CF is generating that error. If I get off of that page, the Windows
error is

You are not authorized to view this page
You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the
credentials you supplied.
HTTP 401.3 - Access denied by ACL on resource

In Windows Explorer on properties for this folder under security tab,
Administrator's Permissions are all checked for allow but the boxes
are grayed. I cannot alter them. What does this mean?

How can I get the permissions straightened so Admin can see the web
page above?


Roger Abell

The checkboxes for NTFS permissions are grey because
the settings are being inherited. You can still add other
settings, but if you need to lessen what is inherited you
need to either break inheritance (a checkbox to allow
inheritable permission) or use a deny.
You will need to figure what permissions are needed for
you CF app as it depends on things like whether the browser
is anonymous or not and the account in use by CF.

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