How to take a short clip from a long mpeg file?



Dear Experts,

Recently, I wound up the digital TV recorder, and let it
run overnight while I slept.

Now there is a great big MPG file of everything on my
computer's hard drive.

But I only want to keep a short clip.

How can I extract the few minutes, save that to file,
and discard the rest?

Thanks a lot!

Paul D. Sullivan

Something like Ulead DVD MovieFactory 5 or VideoStudio 10 might
do it, as would many other common video editing apps.

Ken Maltby

Dear Experts,

Recently, I wound up the digital TV recorder, and let it
run overnight while I slept.

Now there is a great big MPG file of everything on my
computer's hard drive.

But I only want to keep a short clip.

How can I extract the few minutes, save that to file,
and discard the rest?

Thanks a lot!

The most obvious answer is


VideoReDo Sucks

Ken Maltby said:
The most obvious answer is


I agree with Ken that VideoReDo is a good product, no doubt about that.

But they provide absolutely NO customer service at all. I doubt they even
have a customer service department.

A better alternative would be Womble's MPEG-VCR:

It is very effective, just as fast and accurate ... and they offer very good
and responsive customer service. I highly recommend it.


VideoReDo said:
I agree with Ken that VideoReDo is a good product, no doubt about that.

But they provide absolutely NO customer service at all. I doubt they even
have a customer service department.

A better alternative would be Womble's MPEG-VCR:

It is very effective, just as fast and accurate ... and they offer very good
and responsive customer service. I highly recommend it.

One has to take a recommendation, such as yours, with a grain of salt,
as your e-mail address suggests that you're anything but unbiased.

Ray S

Notan said:
One has to take a recommendation, such as yours, with a grain of salt,
as your e-mail address suggests that you're anything but unbiased.

The Womble product is in fact a good product. Both it and Video re-do
are appropriate for the task comptemplated. Can't speak to the support
issue, but I would not really expect it to be necessary to have much or
any contact with support on a product like this.

Ken Maltby

Notan said:
One has to take a recommendation, such as yours, with a grain of salt,
as your e-mail address suggests that you're anything but unbiased.

What is somewhat odd about this, is that one of the things
about VideoReDo that early users were impressed with was
their user response. Their forum was one that really worked,
and Dan even followed up forum posts with e-mails on
occasion. Perhaps our Mr. "VideoReDo Sucks" had some
problem with the commercial side of "Customer Service",
the "technical support" side has been much better than most
I've come across.

Another thing is; VideoReDo is a relatively straight forward
limited function, dedicated to cut & paste editing ( and some
added tools to support that function) program. It is not a
complex or hard to use editor. Basically if you need to make
some adjustment, change from the defaults, you should know
what is making the change necessary, and then VRD makes
such changes easy and straight forward. I guess my point is
that you don't need a lot of tech support, if your program
works, in a fashion the user's expect. Of course, there is
always someone who can't live with a program that doesn't
work in the manner they think it should.

Womble's products are pretty good, but VRD also does
a good job in terms of improving the lip-sync and technical
conformity of MPEG files. Womble had an advantage
in how it handled audio, but the recent versions of VRD
have addressed that for the most part.

Having both is the way to go if you can afford it. For the
purpose of this thread, VideoReDo would be my choice,
without hesitation.



What is somewhat odd about this, is that one of the things
about VideoReDo that early users were impressed with was
their user response. Their forum was one that really worked...

That's exactly what I was going to point out. Every single time I've
had a VideoReDo question, I've either found that it was already
answered on the forum or someone answered it within a day -- usually
within 8 hours.

None of this is any knock on any Womble product. For all I know,
they're even better than VRD. But I know which one I'm happy using,
and which one has given me perfectly acceptable support.


dgates said:
None of this is any knock on any Womble product. For all I know,
they're even better than VRD. But I know which one I'm happy using,
and which one has given me perfectly acceptable support.

I used Womble quite a bit, and I really liked it.

VideoReDo Sucks

Notan said:
One has to take a recommendation, such as yours, with a grain of salt,
as your e-mail address suggests that you're anything but unbiased.

Biased? How so? What about my post seemed biased. Did I not state that VRD
is a good product? I simply stated that I had a problem with customer
service, more to the point the lack of customer service. So much so that I
registered the internet domain I've not put a web page up
at that site yet and I may never do so, but at least I have the email

I still am a licensed user of VRD and I use it regularly. I am a licensed
user of the Womble product also and I use it on a regular basis as well.

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