How To Suppress "..publisher could not be verified..."?



Wrote a little .CMD file to put the PC to sleep:

psshutdown.exe -d -t 00

Works as advertised, but every time I execute (or even edit...)
it, somebody pops a dialog:

"Open File - Security Warning The publisher could not be
verified. Are you sure yo want to run this software?"

Is there a list or something somewhere that I can add this .CMD
file to so XP knows not to bug me?

I looked into "Certificates" a long time ago in the context of
something else and that approach looked pretty much hopeless for
somebody at my low expertise level.

Shenan Stanley

(PeteCresswell) said:
Wrote a little .CMD file to put the PC to sleep:

psshutdown.exe -d -t 00

Works as advertised, but every time I execute (or even edit...)
it, somebody pops a dialog:

"Open File - Security Warning The publisher could not be
verified. Are you sure yo want to run this software?"

Is there a list or something somewhere that I can add this .CMD
file to so XP knows not to bug me?

I looked into "Certificates" a long time ago in the context of
something else and that approach looked pretty much hopeless for
somebody at my low expertise level.


rundll32 powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState


The Real Truth MVP

Cut and paste everything between the lines below, paste it into note pad.
Save the file as nagfix.reg and save it to the desktop. Make sure you change
the drop down box next to save as type: to all files. Once saved double
click on the file to merge it into the registry. Reboot.

Begin cut below this line
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Download]

End cut above this line

The Real Truth
*WARNING* Do NOT follow any advice given by the people listed below.
They do NOT have the expertise or knowledge to fix your issue. Do not waste
your time.
David H Lipman, Malke, PA Bear, Beauregard T. Shagnasty, Leythos.


Hey PCBUTTS, go away! YOu're not an MVP but are an imposter and liar!

The Real Truth MVP said:
Cut and paste everything between the lines below, paste it into note
pad. Save the file as nagfix.reg and save it to the desktop. Make
sure you change the drop down box next to save as type: to all files.
Once saved double click on the file to merge it into the registry.

Begin cut below this line
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Download]

End cut above this

(PeteCresswell) said:
Wrote a little .CMD file to put the PC to sleep:

psshutdown.exe -d -t 00

Works as advertised, but every time I execute (or even edit...)
it, somebody pops a dialog:

"Open File - Security Warning The publisher could not be
verified. Are you sure yo want to run this software?"

Is there a list or something somewhere that I can add this .CMD
file to so XP knows not to bug me?

I looked into "Certificates" a long time ago in the context of
something else and that approach looked pretty much hopeless for
somebody at my low expertise level.

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