How to stop the 'select sheet' window pop up




Is there a way i could stop the 'select sheet' window from appearing.

I am working with external refrences, the below code runs and populate
the cells but sometimes i have some sheets missing. When this happens
get a 'select sheet' window asking me to select a sheet and i have t
cancel it everytime.

Help !! :confused:

Here is the code... that i am using

-Sub Button43_Click()

On Error Resume Next
Dim str As Date
Dim comm As String
Dim strCom As String

For i = 33 To 39

strCom = "'!$B$16"
str = Worksheets("COCUBO").Cells(i, 1).Value
str1 = Format(str, "DD-MMM-YY")
Dim day1 As String, mon As String, year1 As String
day1 = Mid(str1, 1, InStr(1, str1, "-") - 1)
mon = UCase(Mid(str1, 4, InStr(3, str1, "-")))
year1 = Mid(str1, 8, InStr(7, str1, "-") + 1)
comm = comm & day1 & "-" & mon & "-" & year1 & strCom

'the above comm and strcom are for worksheet naming

Sheet2.Cells(i, 5).Formula = comm

If InStr(1, Sheet2.Cells(i, 5).Value, "Error") > 0 Then

Sheet2.Cells(i, 5) = ""
End If


End Sub

Dave Peterson

You may want to look at some of the code that Ron de Bruin has at:

Me. I'd just open the workbook and see if the sheet were there, then close the

Is there a way i could stop the 'select sheet' window from appearing.

I am working with external refrences, the below code runs and populates
the cells but sometimes i have some sheets missing. When this happens i
get a 'select sheet' window asking me to select a sheet and i have to
cancel it everytime.

Help !! :confused:

Here is the code... that i am using

-Sub Button43_Click()

On Error Resume Next
Dim str As Date
Dim comm As String
Dim strCom As String

For i = 33 To 39

strCom = "'!$B$16"
str = Worksheets("COCUBO").Cells(i, 1).Value
str1 = Format(str, "DD-MMM-YY")
Dim day1 As String, mon As String, year1 As String
day1 = Mid(str1, 1, InStr(1, str1, "-") - 1)
mon = UCase(Mid(str1, 4, InStr(3, str1, "-")))
year1 = Mid(str1, 8, InStr(7, str1, "-") + 1)
comm =
comm = comm & day1 & "-" & mon & "-" & year1 & strCom

'the above comm and strcom are for worksheet naming

Sheet2.Cells(i, 5).Formula = comm

If InStr(1, Sheet2.Cells(i, 5).Value, "Error") > 0 Then

Sheet2.Cells(i, 5) = ""
End If


End Sub-

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