How to split a value seperated by comma?



Hi - I didn't know the best way to describe this in the title of th
post - but here's the situation:

I have a column of values that are two text strings seperated by
comma. For example:

Blue Widgets, DVD
Blue Widgets, Movies
Blue Widgets, Books
Red Widgets, Tips
Red Widgets, Format

And so on.... What I need is to split that into two columns, with th
values "blue widgets" and "dvd" for example. Basically the comm
always seperates the values. What excel formula could I use? I kno
it's possible but it's a bit beyond my excel wizardry :


*-Go to Data menu, and choose text to columns. If you want it kept a
you see it, choose fixed width. If you choose comma delimited, it wil
assign columns for each field. Choose how you want it allocated, i
will give you a preview, if that is how you want it click FINISH.-


You have two options.

I. Data->Text to columns
Select Delimited and click next.
Check comma, uncheck everything else.
Click on Finish
Select the second column and do a find-replace finding " " (space bar) and
replacing it with nothing (leave blank). This will remove the first blank in
each cell of that column.

II. Use the following formulas and then cut and paste special selecting

Hope this helps

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