How to skip the blank cells for calculating StdDev?



Quote from Excel Worksheet Function.
Please help !!!

Does anyone know how to skip the blank cells for calculating StdDev?
such as, there are a set of data in each cell under colume A, the number of
row will keep changing, but the maximum row of data is 600, so I input the
formula in as following
A601 cell =StdDev(A1:A600,count(A1:A600),0), if the number of data is 600,
then the result will be corrected, but if the number of data is 60 only,
then the
result is 0.
However, if I change the code as following StdDev(A1:A60,count(A1:A60),0),
then I receive 81 as the result. Does StdDev count the blank cell as a 0
value for following coding StdDev(A1:A600,count(A1:A600),0)? so the result is
Does anyone know how to solve this issue? the number of data is not fixed
and I need to calculate StdDev for this variable size of data.
Thank you in advance

Harlan Grove

Eric wrote...
Quote from Excel Worksheet Function.

What quote?
Does anyone know how to skip the blank cells for calculating StdDev?

As others have pointed out already in responses to your original post,
there's no built-in function named StdDev. Do you mean STDEV? If so, it
automatically skips all blank cells as well as cells containing text or
boolean values. That so, you could use something like


If you do really mean a function named StdDev, then it's not a built-in
function, and it's unlikely anyone here can help you unless you provide
some details about that function. Putting it differently, no, no one
here can help you given the information you've provided so far if you
really mean the function is named StdDev.


I forget that StdDev is a function from external plug-in module for excel.
I should check it with the software provider.
Thank you for your suggestion

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