how to simplify this process?



i have data in the form

mth n(day of yr) year dataA dataB dataC ..... dataN
1 24 94 .. .. .. ..
1 10 97 .. .. .. ..

the data is from 1jan 92 to 31dec 98, and i have sorted in order of month.
the purpose is to obtain the highest dataC value for jan92 , jan93, ... jan98
and output the month, n(day of yr) and year, probably in another sheet.
Similarly, this is done for feb92 to feb98, and for the rest of the months.
After this is done, this process is repeated for highest value of dataD, and
dataE, and so on, up to dataN.

Currently, i am manually sorting dataC in descending order and looking for
the highest value for each month from 92 to 98, and doing dataD now. As there
is over 2000 rows of data, how can i write a VBA program to automate this
process? Thanks in advance!

Don Guillett

use this ARRAY formula which must be entered with control+shift+enter,
where dates are in checksA range and checksD has the amount. Change to your
ranges. If you name, you can use easily from the other sheet. Use a self
adjusting (defined )name by insert>name>define>name it > in the refers to
box something like



Oh, there's a problem...i am new to programming and couldn't understand what
you just typed.

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