how to simplify my command for backup purpose


Tom Lavedas


i need copy to the target, the struct of the target folder should be
like this:

everything under folder1,folder2,folder3 should be copied

right now i use following command:
for /D %%i in (%SourceDir%\*.*) do @(
mkdir %TargetDir%\%%~ni
xcopy %%i %TargetDir%\%%~ni /e /s /y /i /q )

xcopy %SourceDir%\*.dll %TargetDir% /y /i /q
xcopy %SourceDir%\*.exe %TargetDir% /y /i /q

i could copy them seperately, but i'm sure there must be some better
way to achieve this, can anyone teach how?

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Find an answer in alt.msdos.batch.

Tom Lavedas

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