How to show popup message in a webform




I am explaining the scenario of what I am trying to do:
- I have a webform with some controls, from which I am taking the
data. eg say Username, password
- I am passing these data as parameters to the web service method
result = serviceproxy.VerifyUser(username, password) on the event of
the "Submit" button_click.
- The webservice webmethod uses the username, password to verify if
the user is valid user. If no, it sends an error message to the client
say "Invalid Username" which gets stored in the variable "result" as
shown above.
- I need to show this message stored in variable "result" in a popup
box on the client side. And when the user clicks "OK" on the popup box
he can continue further.

In my button_Click method I am doing the following:
string strScript, result;
Client.proxy serviceproxy = new Client.proxy();
result = serviceproxy.VerifyUser(username, password) ;
strScript = "<script language=JavaScript>alert('" & result &

I am stuck now..I dont know what exactly to do. Do I need to add
something to the html file?

Can anyone tell me the way to do this? Please let me know.

Thanks and Regards

John Timney \(ASP.NET MVP\)

Your button click is a server side event, so the output of this needs to be
an alert actioned in the onload of the resulting page.



I was able to show a message as an alert. On the client side I used:
Label1.Text = "<script language=JavaScript>alert('Hello');</script>";

The value 'Hello' shows in the pop up alert.

Next phase of the problem is that instead of showing a fixed message
ie 'Hello' in the alert, if I wanted to show the contents of a string
variable, how do I do it?
eg string strMessage = "Excellent";
Label1.Text = "<script language=JavaScript>alert('" & strMessage &
"');</script>"; ----------> this shows compilation error

Please let me know how to show the value of the variable in the pop
up. I am using webform and C# in ASP.NET.

Thanks and Regards

John M Deal

What I think you may be looking for is the following (watch out for word

string message = "Excellent!";
Page.RegisterStartupScript("LogonResults", "<script
language=JavaScript>alert('" + message + "');</script>");

The compilation error you would have gotten with your example below is
that & is a concatenation character in VB/VB.Net but not in C#. You
would need to use the + sign.

There are many Register type methods for the Page object that can be
used to send script to the client, so this may not be the one you want
but it will show the message box as soon as the page loads.

If you were to apply this to your original code block you would get
(again watch for word wrap):

string strScript, result;
Client.proxy serviceproxy = new Client.proxy();
result = serviceproxy.VerifyUser(username, password) ;
strScript = "<script language=JavaScript>alert('" + result + "')</script>";
Page.RegisterStartupScript("LogonResults", strScript);

Hope that helps.

Have A Better One!

John M Deal, MCP
Necessity Software

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