how to show data in report as a Gantt Chart?




i want to show data on report as a gantt chart view? is there a way of doing

i have start date, finish date, project name/id, task name etc.


Rob Parker

Hi Haroon,

I notice that this is a repost of a previous question, and that the flexgrid
solution suggested was not suitable for you.

I don't have a quick answer, but a comment. The chart object used in Access
is essentially the same as the chart object used in Excel. Neither of these
offer a Gantt chart as a built-in alternative. I've never tried producing a
Gantt chart in Access, but I have done so in Excel (many years ago). It
took a lot of trickery to get it to work, but it could be done. And so, if
you can come up with a very fancy query as the RowSource for your chart, and
format the chart appropriately - and that may take some coding effort, if
the number of fields in the RowSource varies, as it's likely to do for a
dynamic project with changing numbers of tasks - then it is conceivably
possible. If you want to try it, Google for Gantt chart in Excel to find
how to do it there, and use that as a start point.

Sorry I can't help more,


PS. A google search using "gantt chart access" (as individual words, not a
quoted string) gives some possible solutions on the first page of results.
I haven't tried any of these.

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