how to show correct values



Hi, im new at this and not sure on how to explain what I need done, bu
Im trying to make a bowling league summary with my teams high series
high games, averages and games over. I was able to do the averages
and games over, but Im having trouble with high series, and high games
I want to get a number result not a total result. example: out o
these three games 175, 190, 255, I would like only the 255 to come bac
as an result not the number 3. can someone help me with this please.
there are 33 columns being used for each bowlers and there is only
bowlers. I wasn't sure if this is a what IF formula or countif.
=COUNTIF(G10:G42,">150") This is the formula I thought to use, but wa
thank anyone for there input..


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