How to show and hide a picture on a button at runtime?


Mark Stephens


I want to have a piccture on a button and make it invisible and visible when
another button is clicked. I have put the picture on the button by copying
it and then selecting picture in the properties of the button (which is on a
userform) and then ctl v.

Any tips appreciated, thanks and regards, Mark

Rick Rothstein

Assuming the button you want to have the picture on is named CommandButton1
and the name of the "other button" is CommandButton2... then use this
CommandButton2 Click event (replace my sample path to the picture with your
actual path to the picture in the LoadPicture function call)...

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
If CommandButton1.Picture = 0 Then
CommandButton1.Picture = LoadPicture("C:\Dir1\Dir2\Pic.bmp")
CommandButton1.Picture = LoadPicture("")
End If
End Sub

Mark Stephens

Thanks Rick, works really well:)


Rick Rothstein said:
Assuming the button you want to have the picture on is named
CommandButton1 and the name of the "other button" is CommandButton2...
then use this CommandButton2 Click event (replace my sample path to the
picture with your actual path to the picture in the LoadPicture function

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
If CommandButton1.Picture = 0 Then
CommandButton1.Picture = LoadPicture("C:\Dir1\Dir2\Pic.bmp")
CommandButton1.Picture = LoadPicture("")
End If
End Sub

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