How to SetFocus on Built-in Control


Michael Hyatt

I have a custom e-mail message form. When the user tabs out of the "To"
field, I want to parse the recipient name and insert the first name into the
body control. All of this is working fine. I am using the Item_Property
change event. However, when the user tabs out of the To field, the cursor
does not advance to the CC field as expected. Why?

I have tried to SetFocus on the CC control, but that doesn't work. How can I
do this? Here's what I have so far:

Sub Item_PropertyChange(ByVal Name)

If Name = "To" Then
StrTo = Item.To
iLength = Len(strTo)
iStart = InStr(1, strTo, ", ", vbTextCompare)

If iStart = 0 Then ' In standard format of FirstName LastName
iSpace = InStr(1, strTo, " ", vbTextCompare)
strFirstName = Left(strTo, iSpace - 1)
Else ' In reverse format of LastName, FirstName
StrFirstName = Mid(strTo, iStart + 2, iLength - iStart)
End If

strFirstName = "<Strong>" & strFirstName & "," & "</Strong>"
Item.htmlbody = strFirstName & Item.HTMLBody
End If

' Need to set the focus on the CC textbox control

End Sub

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

If the user isn't tabbing from the To to the Cc field, check the tab order
for the page.

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