how to set value in whole forms



I have a form which it should be open each time. I make a macro to set the
values in it, but the macro does not set all form, just one filed.
At the macro I put
Action: setvalue

Item: [Forms]![New Employee form]![Employee ID]
Expressions : ‘ ‘

Action: go to control
Control name: [employee ID]

The problem is the macor only sets the employee ID filed, others fields does
Can any body help me plzzzzzzz

Steve Schapel


Can you maybee put this in context for us please, and give a little
background information on what you are trying to achieve?

On the face of it, this would seem to be an irregular use of the
SetValue action in a macro, as it involves data manipulation, so there
are probably better ways of achieving your purpose.

In any case, your macro only refers to the Employee ID control, so why
would you expect other controls to be affected?

Another thing is that you are setting the value of a control to a
zero-length string. Why? This would normally be a bad idea. Besides,
ID fields are often numerical, in which case a zero-length string is not
applicable anyway.

Sorry about all the questions, but I have never seen a requirement like
this before, so just need to understand...

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