How to set a form that will accept multi-users ?



How can I set a form to accept multi-users to enable them to enter data at
the same time from their PC's. The error I get "I don't have exclusive rights
" when the dB is open in two diffrent computers. The form,query and report
are created already ....Thanks for your assitance in advance

Joseph Meehan

How can I set a form to accept multi-users to enable them to enter
data at the same time from their PC's. The error I get "I don't have
exclusive rights " when the dB is open in two diffrent computers.
The form,query and report are created already ....Thanks for your
assitance in advance

It is likely that some or all users have their Access set to open
"Exclusively" as the default. Make sure they are not doing that. Next make
sure they have full access to the directory where the Back End (see below)
Access file is located. They need to be able to read, write and delete.
The actual file must not have the read only property set.

You need to split the database. What parts of the database will be on
the "server" and will be called the Back end database from now on and which
parts will be on each user's machine and will be called the front ends. The
back end should hold all data that is shared and may be changed by the
users. It should also contain all or most data that more than one user will
need access to and may be changed by you from time to time. Most other data
that does not change or that will only be used by that particular user
should be on the Back end databases on the users machines.

Access works best if it does not need to move a lot of information over
the LAN which means static data is best kept on the front end databases.
Also kept on the front end machines will be most forms, reports queries etc.
This will allow the whole system to work faster and in some cases allow for
customization of some forms reports etc.

This may seem like a lot of work and off the point of the question you
were asking, but it is very important that this part of the job be done
first and right.

Next is the mechanics of setting up the back end on the server, dumping
in the data and putting the front end copies on each user's machines and
assuring that the links work. Access has a built in database splitter that
may make this part of the job (moving from a single database with all the
data and forms etc. to two databases a front end and a back end.) easier.
Look under the Tools menu for it.

You may also want to look into user level security to protect the
database and data before you finish.

I suggest you start by reading;[LN];207793

Access security is a great feature, but it is, by nature a complex product
with a very steep learning curve. Properly used it offers very safe
versatile protection and control. However a simple mistake can easily lock
you out of your database, which might require the paid services of a
professional to help you get back in.

Practice on some copies to make sure you know what you are doing.

Splitting a database can be a big job, but done right everyone will
thank you and wonder how they did their jobs without it.

Note: back ups become more important here. If you LAN does not support
automatic backups you should provide a method of backing up the data, even
if that means you do it manually.

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