How to send data from query to database



I have two tables: first is kind of catalogue; there's material's code, its
descryption and price. Second table is my Purchase Order Database.
I'd like to create a form in which I could type material's code, and
descryption and price would come up automatically. I know I should make a
query, but the problem I struggle with is how to send and save information
from query to 'Purchase Order' database.
I've done the database in Excel but because of big amount of information
it's too slow to work with it. I'm new with MS Access, so I'd appreciate for
detailed descryption how to solve my problem.
Many thanks.

Nick Coe \(UK\)

You need to link the two tables somehow, make a relationship
between them. Need more info on what columns are in your
tables (but not too much <g>).

For example (and you will need to adjust this to suit your
circumstances):- Do you have Part Number (say it's called
PartNo) as a column in your catalogue table and is it unique
(a unique index on PartNo)? If yes, then add an autonumber
PrimaryKey column to catalogue, a long integer column to
PurchaseOrder table called fkPart with an index allowing
duplicates and then set a one to many relationship from the
PromaryKey in catalogue to fkPart in PurchaseOrder.

In other words one part can appear in many purchase orders.

It would be worth your while reading up on Relational
Database design IIRC there is some info in Access help and
there were some articles on the MS support knowledge base.

As I said, you'll need to modify the above to suit your
circumstances I expect.

Good luck.

Nick Coe (UK) AccHelp is now Free Repairs Upgrades New SBS

In realspido typed:

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