how to see long strings in ListBox in Access2000?



In Access2003 when a string does not fit in the ListBox control, I can
left-click on visible part of the string and in about 1 sec a tooltip
balloon will popup and show me entire string.

When is Access2000 left-click does NOT show that tooltip. Maybe this
is turned off somewhere in Options? I did not find it...

How can I see long strings in ListBoxes in Access2000?

any ideas will be appreciated
p.s. when respond please email to (e-mail address removed)


That functionality wasn't in 2000 so you have to recreate it yourself.

So, in the Click or MouseMove event of the control you can put:

Me.YourListBoxName.ControlTipText = Me.YourListboxName

That will assign the current value of the list box to the control tip that
will pop up.
Bob Larson
Access World Forums Super Moderator
Utter Access VIP
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