How to search ArrayList based on condition?




I have an ArrayList of integers.
I have sorted the list already.

Now, i want to find the index of the first element that is greater than
a given number.

How to accomplish this in C#?



I have a huge number of elements. I will google for interpolation

Do let me know, if u have any links to suggest.


Alexander Kolliopoulos

This might help:
You might try comparing it to binary search for the data sets you
expect, if you aren't sure if they will be approximately evenly
distributed. You will need to make some minor changes to the algorithm
since you aren't searching for a specific key, but an interval between
two elements that contains the key.

Marcus Andrén


I have an ArrayList of integers.
I have sorted the list already.

Now, i want to find the index of the first element that is greater than
a given number.

How to accomplish this in C#?


I am assuming the list is sorted from smallest to biggest integer. I
am also assuming that the following is what you want.

x == value : Return index of value
x > last value : Return index pointing beyond last value
value < x < value2 : Return index of val2

If that is the case, simply use the ArrayList BinarySearch method like

static int FindIndex(System.Collections.ArrayList list, int x)
int index = list.BinarySearch(x);
return index < 0 ? -index - 1 : index;

If you wonder about -index-1, that is because the binary search method
returns a negative number when not finding a specific match. For more
information see the documentation.

Bill Butler

Sek said:

I have an ArrayList of integers.
I have sorted the list already.

Now, i want to find the index of the first element that is greater than
a given number.

How to accomplish this in C#?


As other people have explained BinarySearch is a good way to go. The drawback, in your case, is that
it will find the EXACT value and not the value greater than the one that you want.

However, BinarySearch has a nice feature. If it DOESN'T find what it is looking for it will return a
negative number, which is the bitwise complement of the index of the next element. If the value
being searched for is greater than the highest value it will return the complement of the Count.

Array has similar behavior, but it is a static method in that case.
So I had a thought.
Since all of your data is Integer data, you can search for a double that lies between consecutive
ints (say target + 0.1). You will NEVER get an exact match, so you will always get the next greater

"Aren't I clever", I though.

But it didn't quite work out as I planned.
ArrayList(and int[] for that matter) didn't like mixing and matching boxed Int32s and Doubles.

So I played and came up with a few workarounds.

1. If you used a double[] for your collection it would work.
2. If you Forced your Ints to be stored as doubles in the ArrayList via a cast it should

3. Use a custom IComparer for the job...It looks like this:
public class MyComparer:IComparer
public int Compare(object obj1, object obj2)
double a = Convert.ToDouble(obj1);
double b = Convert.ToDouble(obj2);
return a.CompareTo(b);

I had to use Convert.ToDouble() rather than (double) because although this is OK
int n =2;
double d = 3.14;
int x = (int) d; // x == 3
double a = (double)n; a == 2.0

You CANNOT cast a boxed Int32 to a double or a boxed double to an Int32.

Ugh...The joy of boxing.


Assuming you have an ArrayList list filled with boxed ints you can search as follows
int target = 7;
MyComparer myComparer = new MyComparer();

// negidx is the compement of the index that we want

int negidx = list.BinarySearch(target + .1, myComparer);
int idx = ~negidx;

Here is a little program (with very liitle exception saftey) to demonstrate

Good luck

using System;
using System.Collections;

class Test
private static string prompt = "Enter target integer (ENTER to exit):";
public static void Main()
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)

for(int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
Console.WriteLine("[{0,2}]:{1}",i, list);
MyComparer myComparer = new MyComparer();

string input = Console.ReadLine();
while(input != "")
double target = Convert.ToInt32(input) + .1;
int negidx = list.BinarySearch(target + .1, myComparer);
int idx = ~negidx;
if(idx == list.Count)
Console.WriteLine("Too Big, try a smaller number");
Console.WriteLine("idx:{0} negidx:{1} Value:{2}",idx,negidx, list[idx]);
input = Console.ReadLine();

public class MyComparer:IComparer
public int Compare(object obj1, object obj2)
double a = Convert.ToDouble(obj1);
double b = Convert.ToDouble(obj2);
return a.CompareTo(b);


Thanks Marcus and Bill for pointing to the functionality.

Bill, that was a very detailed analysis. Hats off.

I also implemented binary search on my own.
Again, i found one more issue with the BinarySearch method in C#.

Lets say, i have a million elements to search and i am looking for a
number greater than 1196. If the ArrayList has some 2000 entries of

When i search for number greater than 1196, BinarySearch returns the
index to first 1197 element. But, i actually wanted the last instance
of 1197.

Any thoughts on this?

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