How to Rewrite these Code?



Dear All

Kindly look at the code below and advice me whether there's anothe
variation which I could use... Currently, the code works fine bu
because I am selecting and activiating the sheet... i am not able t
specify in my macro which sheet to go back to... For eg, I am at Sheet
and activating the macro from there... but after the macro ends, i wil
be brought to the Sheet2 which I don't want... I want the active shee
to be still Sheet1 after the macro has finished... So is there anothe
way of writing the same function but without actually activating th
sheet? I have tried this code but it didn't work...
Does anyone have any clue...?

Function Own() As String
End Function


Norman Jones


It is rarely necessary to make selections.

If you wanted to enter a specific value in the K133:M144", you could achieve
this, without making a selection, thus:

Sub Tester03()
Sheets("Sheet2").Range("K133:M144").Value = "ABC"
End Sub

In your code, you show no action except for the unwanted selection. If you
have a specfic requirement, pos details and someone will provide you will
try to help you further.

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