how to restore program software and device settings?



hi every1. i jus installed vista and all of my program files are not usable.
its in the windows.old folder but i dont know what to do from there?
and my sound device aint on and other settings? anyone know how to restore
these program files and settings.?


p.s. i know how to restore the document files.

Rick Rogers


If the program files are in windows.old, then you didn't upgrade but rather
made a clean install of Vista. Programs would need to be reinstalled under
the new operating system. You can't just drag them over from the old install

Your sound card requires a supporting driver. You should check with the
system manufacturer for those. If you know the motherboard or sound card
manufacturer, you can try their web site as well.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

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