How to Reset the record ID



Experimenting and learning Access 2007. I have several tables. I manually
deleted the records in each table, so that I can start with new data.
The ID Value seems to pick up where it left off. How do I reset this back to



you can compact the database after deleting the records, to "reset" the
Autonumber field. but it shouldn't matter what the Autonumber values are.
the Autonumber's purpose is to uniquely identify each record in a table *to
the system*. it's not intended to have any other use or value in a table,
and shouldn't be seen by users. if you need to assign consecutive number to
records in your table for human consumption (invoice numbers, purchase order
numbers, check numbers, etc) then best practice is to add a separate field
to the table and assign the numbers to that field either manually or
programmatically during data entry in a form.


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