how to reset datagridview




I have a dataGridView, textBox, button RESET and label. When I change
text in TextBox the dataGridView is filtering and I see only this date
where text in field "name" is text in TextBox and when I click on the
row, in label I see date from field "name" in checked row.

DataView view = (DataView)this.klienciBindingSource.List;
string str = szukajklienta.textBox1.Text;
view.RowFilter = "nazwa" + " Like '" + str + "%'";
dataGridView1.DataSource = view;

when I push the button RESET I would like to reset the dataGridView to
Default view which all date. How can I to do it. I'm testing this:
DataView view = (DataView)this.klienciBindingSource.List;
view.RowFilter = "";
dataGridView1.DataSource = view.Table.DefaultView;
and it's work but when I checked another row the date in label don't

Thanks for any help.

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