how to remove #REF and #N/A




Could you please advise on how to remove the #REF and #N/A .. I am dragging
a formual, and i get those values a lot so instead of manually deleting them
is tehre a a way to make them blank cells....I tried the Find Replace Ctrl+F
but it does not read #REF....

Thanks for your help

Fred Smith

#REF and #N/A mean Excel thinks you have an error in your formula. The
typical way to handle them is to modify your formula to something like:


If you have Excel 2007, you can use:


Joerg Mochikun

Not clear what you mean by "dragging a formula" and what you eventually want
to achieve. Delete cells containing errors?

Here is one way:
1) Select the range containing the errors
2) Press F5
3) Push the "Special" Button
4) Select "Formulas" and uncheck all checkboxes except "Errors"
5) Push "OK"
6) Press your Delete Key


Delete cells containing error

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