How to remove one folder option that I created ?



I posted the question below, perhaps I wasn't clear enough.

The problem I have is I can't Edit nor Remove the action(s) I created.

a) The Edit & Remove buttons are greyed, Although, the Help, What's this?
says to click the command then Edit / Remove, which are not active even
after the command is selected, therefore I can't do anything further. Yet
the other two buttons (New & Set as default) become actives !!!

b) Where are these commands stored. Perhaps manual removal is the simplest
way ?

PS : It is annoying because every time it overwrites the previous unless you
manually rename the LISTING.txt file in advance. Also is this a malfunction
of W2K, trouble ahead ?


= = = = = = = = =
Read this program in a computer mag.
Tried it, it works fine.
Question : How to remove it ?
PS : The EDIT & REMOVE buttons are greyed !!!

Running W2K Pro, Logged as Administrator, of course.
To create a list of contents of a folders & subfolder:

1. Open any Folder
2. Tools
- Folder Options
- File Types
- Folder
- New

3. In the Action line name anything e.g."LISTING"
4. In the applications line type : /c dir /b/ s > c:\LISTING.txt
5. Ok, Ok, Close
6. Right click any folder on your disk and the word LISTING is under
Explore. If selected it will create a txt file in the root directory of C:\

Gary Smith

The EditFlags in the registry are set to prevent some kinds of changes for
folder objects. The most direct way to remove of change the new action is
by editing the registry.

1. Open Regedit.
2. Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell.
3. Below "shell" is a subkey for each defined action. Select the one you
created and delete it.

Or, if you just want to change how it works, expand the new subkey and
select the "command" subkey below it. The command subkey contains the
text of the command. Since this is Windows 2000, I would use cmd.exe
instead of If you want the listing to be appened to what's
already there, change the redirection operator ">" to ">>".

A+ said:
I posted the question below, perhaps I wasn't clear enough.
The problem I have is I can't Edit nor Remove the action(s) I created.
a) The Edit & Remove buttons are greyed, Although, the Help, What's this?
says to click the command then Edit / Remove, which are not active even
after the command is selected, therefore I can't do anything further. Yet
the other two buttons (New & Set as default) become actives !!!
b) Where are these commands stored. Perhaps manual removal is the simplest
way ?
PS : It is annoying because every time it overwrites the previous unless you
manually rename the LISTING.txt file in advance. Also is this a malfunction
of W2K, trouble ahead ?

= = = = = = = = =
Read this program in a computer mag.
Tried it, it works fine.
Question : How to remove it ?
PS : The EDIT & REMOVE buttons are greyed !!!
Running W2K Pro, Logged as Administrator, of course.


Thank you Gary. That did it.
Why the Edit & Remove buttons are not active is beyond me.
All I hope it is not a sign of malfunction as I just reinstalled W2K and you
know how long it can take to resore everything.

Thansk again

Gary Smith

A+ said:
Why the Edit & Remove buttons are not active is beyond me.
All I hope it is not a sign of malfunction as I just reinstalled W2K and you
know how long it can take to resore everything.

Yep, reinstalling is a royal pain. Fortunately, what you encountered is
that way by design. You can seriously mess up your ability to manage
files and folders if you remove the Open and Explore actions, so MS
evidently decided to make that difficult.

If you're willing to live with the risk, you can enable those buttons by
modifying the EditFlags. The standard value is 0x000003D2 (decimal 978).
Change that to 0x00000302 (decimal 770), and the buttons are enabled.

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