How to Re-establish Administrator and User Accounts



I didn't set things up right. I used the Administrator account for both
administration and for me, Able Baker. Wanting to do it right, I later
established a specific User Account for Able Baker. Since I couldn't access
Administrator, I made Administratrix the Administrator. Now, under
"Documents and Settings" I have Administrator, Administratrix, Able Baker,
Able Baker.ABLE BAKER, and ABLE~1~ABL. I think I got these 3 separate Able
Baker accounts from mixing the use of my account for myself and as the
Administrator. How do I correct these so that I end up with only a workable
Administrator account and one Able Baker account under "Documents and
Settings" that are properly established? Thanks!


While logon as the user with Admin rights, delete the rest of profiles in
System/Advanced/User Profiles.

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