How to put timing code in around ViewState parsing



Hi all, I'm at my wit's end on trying to insert some timing code into the
server side code that parses the hashed data contained in the hidden field
being submitted to the server

I've tried placing timing code in all of the following:
LoadViewState(object savedState)
object SaveViewState()

But none of them show timing values that are in any way consistent with the
amount of time being taken (i.e. somewhere in the area of a minute in some
instances). In all of the above the timing displayed is always under a
second or two.

Where is the major processing being done within the classes that extend
Page? I.E. which method should I place my timing code?



Have you simply tried turning trace="true" in the @Page directive and
looking at the profiling information it provides?

<%@ Page trace="true" .... %>


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