How to put test questions then student answers and get % correct



I need to make a sheet with test questions and answers. Then I need to put
in all students and their answers. Afterwards I need it to caluate the
percentage that was correct. Can anyone help?


How are questions distributed to students? And returned to you?

Do the questions have multiple choice answers?

If Yes, then you could have a table of questions and correct answers and use
VLOOKUP to check a students answer, putting 1 if correct, 0 if incorrect.
Then use SUM to get a student's mark and then calculate %.

The multiple choice selections for a question could be done using Data



Assuming student names in column A, and column B their scores, and column C
either have "y" for correct answer, "n" for wrong answer

In D2: =COUNTIF(C2:C10,"y")/COUNTA(C2:C10)

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