How to put multiple values in one field


Nightmoon Eagle

For those with access to an SQL Server, the query works in SQL Server 2000,
2005, and 2005 EXPRESS and is provided below. For those without SQL Server, I
will try to explain my dilemma.

I have a table, tblA which contains locations and the name of the owner and
inhabitants. Each inhabitant/owner has a seperate record in the database with
the same location.

Location 1, InhabitantA
Location 2, InhabitantB
Location 2, InhabitantC
Location 3, OwnerA
Location 3, InhabitantD

I want to create a query that shows:
Location 1, InhabitantA
Location 2, InhabitantB InhabitantC
Location 3, OwnerA InhabitantD


Field1, Record1.Field2 Record2.Field2 Record3.Field2

Is this possible in Access?

I know it works in SQL as shown by the query below:

SELECT TOP 3 Location, Surnames = replace ((SELECT Surname AS [data()]
FROM tblA WHERE Location = a.Location ORDER BY Surname FOR xml path('')), '
', char(10))
FROM tblA a
GROUP BY Location

Thanks in advance.

Nightmoon Eagle


Thank you for the code. I do have a problem with it, though. When using it
in a query, I keep getting the error:

Error 3061: Too few parameters. Expected 1.

the query I have is:

SELECT Location, X, Y, Rotation, TextHeight, ConcatRelated("surname",
"PlotPoints", "Location = " & [Location], [Location], "char(10)") AS Surnames
FROM PlotPoints;


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