How to pull a record to a form and saving it to another table.



I want to pull data from more then one field ( as it seems with a combo
box with multiple fields listed in a row ) and have it save these fields to a
diffrent table. What I'm trying to do is take a Whole record and save that
record to a new table.



1) You would not typically want to store the same data redundantly in
multiple tables within your db.

2) You do not typically need to post your question redundantly in multiple
groups within the forum.


ok - what I'm trying to create is a food database that allows me to keep
track of my nutritional amounts. So I thought would be workable is a table
with a form that allows me to enter in the foods with there nutritional facts
then have a form that allows me to enter in my daily food intake but in that
form I want to be able to select the food and the rest of the nutritional
facts are pulled from the first food table and then I would be able to save
it to another table called daily food table. If you have any ideas I am
certainly all ears :)

Sorry about the multiple post but I was not sure where to post this
question? I wanted to be sure I would get the users that can help me.


Rick Brandt

Lorraine said:
Sorry about the multiple post but I was not sure where to post this
question? I wanted to be sure I would get the users that can help me.

Then you should crosspost.

Crossposting (sending the same post simutaneously to multiple groups) is
preferred over multi-posting (sending separate posts with the same content to
multiple groups) as long as you include only appropriate groups and keep the
number of groups reasonable (no more than 3 or 4).

As an FYI I can assure you that in the Access groups many of the people
respondng read them all (or most of them at least). Posting to more than one
group is seldom necessary.


thanks you Rick. I didn't think it would be a big concern that my post was in
a few other groups but in any case I'm thinking I should try to learn more
about relationships in access to get what I need done. What do you think?

Rick Brandt

Lorraine said:
thanks you Rick. I didn't think it would be a big concern that my
post was in a few other groups but in any case I'm thinking I should
try to learn more about relationships in access to get what I need
done. What do you think?

Learning about the tool you are using is always a good idea ;-)


Boy that is a mildly put reply. Do you actually understand what my question
is and what I'm trying to do? LOL Because I do know alittle about access.
I'm just looking for someone to point me in the right direction that pertains
to my problem. I'm at a lose right now and instead of reading the entire
access book I was hoping you could clue me in to what to read about first.

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