how to program a telephone dialing



Hi all.

in my customer form I store 3 different telephone numbers .... I wonder how
I could use this information to do a dial on a button click I(maybe next to
the number text box ! ? ! ?

I have no knowledge at all of how to send the number information to the
phone .... (what would I need to call - which object)
I have knowledge in vba but do not know how to start this.

maybe someone can point me into the right direction.

thanks in advance


Hi all.

in my customer form I store 3 different telephone numbers .... I wonder how
I could use this information to do a dial on a button click I(maybe next to
the number text box ! ? ! ?

I have no knowledge at all of how to send the number information to the
phone .... (what would I need to call - which object)
I have knowledge in vba but do not know how to start this.

maybe someone can point me into the right direction.

thanks in advance

1) You can add the Phone Tool Button to your tool bar.
It's located in the Records Category commands section when you
Customize the tool bar.
Select the Phone field then click on the tool button.

2) You can add a Command button to your form. One of the Wizard
options in the Miscellaneous list is the Phone dialer.
Select the Phone field then click on the command button.

3) Paste this code into the Phone Field's Double-click event.

Dim strDialOut As String

If Not IsNull([PhoneField]) Then
strDialOut = [PhoneField]
Application.Run "utility.wlib_AutoDial", strDialOut
End If

Double-click on the field.
If the field does not have a phone number, the AutoDial dialog will
not open.


Hi fredg ....

hey ... that's exactly what I was looking for .... just saw it now !!!
many thanks,
fredg said:
Hi all.

in my customer form I store 3 different telephone numbers .... I wonder how
I could use this information to do a dial on a button click I(maybe next to
the number text box ! ? ! ?

I have no knowledge at all of how to send the number information to the
phone .... (what would I need to call - which object)
I have knowledge in vba but do not know how to start this.

maybe someone can point me into the right direction.

thanks in advance

1) You can add the Phone Tool Button to your tool bar.
It's located in the Records Category commands section when you
Customize the tool bar.
Select the Phone field then click on the tool button.

2) You can add a Command button to your form. One of the Wizard
options in the Miscellaneous list is the Phone dialer.
Select the Phone field then click on the command button.

3) Paste this code into the Phone Field's Double-click event.

Dim strDialOut As String

If Not IsNull([PhoneField]) Then
strDialOut = [PhoneField]
Application.Run "utility.wlib_AutoDial", strDialOut
End If

Double-click on the field.
If the field does not have a phone number, the AutoDial dialog will
not open.

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