How to prevent warning messages on protected work sheet.



I have protected 3 work sheets and allow users to edit certain ranges, no
problem here, Question is how can you prevent the warning messages (that read
the sheet is protected etc....) appearing. Every time a user clicks on a
protected cell the messages appear. may not sound a problem though it is a
nuisance and a constant distraction for those users who are not familiar with
the sheet. Any help would be appreciated.

Vasant Nanavati

You can't stop the message from appearing, and it should only appear on a
double-click, not on a single click.

Gord Dibben


Under the Tools>Protection options you can un-checkmark the "allow users to
select locked cells"

If they cannot select a locked cell, they will not get the message.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Many thanks for replies.. un checking thw 'allow users to select locked
cells' does work as you say, but now the problems is that when i now add data
to unlocked cells (which are for users to add data). no problem here, but
then if you double clik on a locked cell (mybe in error) then the data just
inserted within the unlocked cell is deleted!!

Any way round this?

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