How to pass global parms to web service???



I have a web service with several methods in it. When the user creates an
instance of this WS, I want to pass parameters to the instance:

localhost.WSdemographics myClass= new localhost.WSdemographics(string
Username, string Password);

Once the user creates this instance, then they can use the actual methods in
the service:

DataSet my DS = myClass.GetNames(int RecordGroup);

But when I go to create the instance of 'myClass' I do not get the 2
parameters in the intellisense. It wont even build, b/c it says the class
does not take parms, yet its defiend as

public class WSdemographics : System.Web.Services.WebService
public WSdemographics(stringUserName,string Password)
I dont want to have to pass the userName and Password to every moethod in
the service, just at the point its reference. Why cant this be done?

Ashot Geodakov

Hi JP,

Why not to define the web service like this:

public class WebServiceTest : System.Web.Services.WebService
public WebServiceTest()

public void SetCredentials( string u, string p )
Context.Cache["UserName"] = u;
Context.Cache["Password"] = p;

public string GetCredentials()
return Context.Cache["UserName"] + ", " + Context.Cache["Password"];

Then you don't have to pass these username and password to every method.
You can call it in your client app like this:

static class Program
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
static void Main()
localhost.WebServiceTest test = new
test.SetCredentials( "username", "password" );
string str = test.GetCredentials();
Console.WriteLine( str );

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