how to pass DataSet to modal form?


Uri Dor

My main form shows a datagrid with data and I want to open a modal
dialog with bound controls on it when the user double-clicks a row.
Both forms have an instance of my typed dataset and the controls on the
dialog are bound to its dataset.
I pass the row I want to the dialog and use DataSet.Merge to add the row
to the dialog's DataSet. At this point the row is Unchanged, which is OK.
As an example, let's assume a column holds the value "11".
After typing "22" in the bound textbox, the value is "22", but the
RowState is still Unchanged. Moreover, the DataRowVersion.Original
version of that column is "11" as expected ! So it's changed but
unchanged !?

Any ideas?

Uri Dor

Let's put aside my specific example - does anyone know of a reasonable
way to copy my data into the modal dialog's DataSet and then get the
changes after it's done?

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