how to output the tcp/ip setting to a txt file??



run vbscript as below:

Set objShell = CreateObject(¡°Wscript.Shell¡±)
objShell.Exec ¡°%COMSPEC% /k ipconfig > ipconfig_output.txt¡±

i want to output tcp/ip settings of all computers in the domain to the
specific files ,and also the name of txt file should be the name of
computer,how to do ?


Why not just run the following using a logon or start up script of some sort
that does this....

ipconfig > %computername%.txt

Or to place the files in one location

ipconfig > \\servername\sharename\%computername%.txt


wf1000xg said:
Why not just run the following using a logon or start up
script of some sort
that does this....

ipconfig > %computername%.txt

Or to place the files in one location

ipconfig > \servernamesharename%computername%.txt

good idea,thanks!

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