How to open an image file and display in picturebox?



Seems simple but Im missing something. In a C# form Ive got a picturebox
and a button

I have the File Open dialog linked to the button, but Im drawing a blank on
how to take the stream and push the thing onto the picturebox.

Here is the code, tia

OpenFileDialog fileChooser = new OpenFileDialog();

DialogResult result = fileChooser.ShowDialog();

string filename; //name of file containint data

if (result == DialogResult.Cancel)


filename = fileChooser.FileName;

if (filename == "" || filename == null)

MessageBox.Show("Hey, thats a not a what I want a see", "Error",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);



input = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);


try {

pictureBox1.Image = input; //NO WAY, IT HAS AN ERROR THAT SAYS

cannot implicity convert type to system.drawing.image


catch( Exception ex )

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