how to merge database downloads



have downloaded db's such as order entry.mdb and inventory control.mdb
etc.from microsoft and want to merge them into being one program. Need to
know how to increase switchboard selections, also unit prices, categories are
mentioned in all db's and want to use this as one db for invoicing and
inventory control etc. I am only new to access and forums so PLEASE put any
answers in simple form. My knowledge extends form reading a book on access
and what I can gleam from microsoft and this forum. Thank you in advance and
to all have a G'Day

Brendan Reynolds

There's no simple, generic answer to this question. Combining two or more
applications into one is a non-trivial task. You will doubtless encounter a
series of challenges in the process.

As a first step, I would suggest not attempting to combine the applications.
Rather, separate the data from the applications, and use linked tables so
that the separate applications can share common data. For example, you will
have one Categories table in your 'back-end' data MDB, and each 'front-end'
application MDB that needs a Categories table will link to that same
'back-end' data MDB.

If you do not already know how to create and work with linked tables, try
some of the on-line articles at the following URL ...

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