How to make Add-In worksheets viewable.




I'm converted a workbook project(.xls) into an add-In but i find frequently
i need to add or modify contents of a worksheet such as comments to myself,
version number in a worksheet in the addin. Problem is i can't seem to view
the sheet in either excel or in VBA once it is converted into an addin. Is
it possible to make these addin worksheets visible in excel or VBA so that i
can add comments into the worksheet without having to unload the addin, make
the changes in the worksheet of the original workbook(.xls), compile, convert
to add-in again, then reload the addin?


Tom Ogilvy

worksheets("MyAddin.xla").Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("B9").Value = _
"Note to Self: Make the code faster"

Have you tried selecting it in the VBE (project explorer), look in the
properties window and change IsAddin to False.

Make your changes

Then change it back. and then in the VBE do File=>Save MyAddin.xla

Addins are not compiled. They are pretty much just workbooks with a
property set so excel handles them a bit differently.


Hit 'Alt-F11' to get into the VBA Editor.
In the PROJECT window, select your add-in to open up the project.
Next, select 'Microsoft Excel Objects' to open it up.
Next, select 'ThisWorkbook'
In the PROPERTIES window, you will see a property called 'IsAddin'. It's
probably set to 'TRUE'. Change that to 'FALSE.
Remember, after you make your changes, go back and change this property to
'TRUE' then save the add-in.
Gary Brown

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