How to look up a value in list & return multiple corresponding val



I have review a proceedure written by Ashish Mathur but I can not get it to
work. It continues to return a blank cell. Even when I copy the exact
information the the example he gives

L. Howard Kittle

Hi Jerry,

Post the procedure and what you are trying to do.



I have a data list which changes constantly depending on the work being
performed. I want to get a total for the individual and the job which is
being performed. Data looks similar to this:

Employee Job Job 2 Job3
John 5 4 250
chris 2
dave 1

John 3

This continues for 500 rows. I am looking to be able to sum the jobs for
each employee. Sub Totals and Filters will not work because this sheet is
linked to many other tabs with calculations and vlookups.

The proceedure written by Ashish Mathur which is linked in microsoft help
under vlookup does not seem to work when I try the exact example. It is
however exactly that I need


The equation looks like this

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