How to kill Access Denied prompts--forever



I need to get a file from Application Data, cannot, and am fed up with
changing ownership and permissions that I've had to do for week that Vista
has been running. Nothing I've tried gives me access to Application Data.
I'm to the point now that I want a way to completely open ALL folders with in
one step. I don't need help with security; I need access! My computer, my
data, my risk.

John Nystrom

Jane C

Application Data is not a folder, it is a junction. The location for files
that previously used Application Data is now AppData.

If you notice, some of the folders are shaded out with a shortcut arrow
overlay. These are junctions, and are there for legacy applications. They
silently redirect data to the new folders.


You can Take ownership of all files & folders at one time by using the
Command Prompt & navigating to the folder & typing "takeown/F *.* /R" The /R
is use to take ownership of all subfolders. type "takeown /?" for more help.
icacls is another command to used to setowner;
eg: "icacls . /setowner NAME /T /L /Q"

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