how to install Windows XP embedded

  • Thread starter Dries Quaegebeur
  • Start date

Dries Quaegebeur


I'm evaluating fos school a PC104 board, more specific

Now, I read a lot about the embedded versions of Windows. My task is to
compare Windows CE.NET and Windows XP embedded.

I'll start with Windows XP embedded. I understood I have to use the Target
Designer and that I have to make an image. Can I burn this image on a CD to
boot my PC104?

And how can I know which components I have to add for my system.

I found a lot of info on the MS website, but what I'm looking for is a kind
of tutorial

anyone must have installed these Windows versions on a PC104, isn't it?

thanks in advance


Dries Quaegebeur



Here's good place to start,

follow down to 'Windows XP Embedd with Service Pack 1'
node. Yes, you can burn the image to a CD to deploy your
image. However, it'll be easier if you transfer it over to
your machine via network when you're developing/testing
your OS build.

This is easiest done using WinPE (which is included with
the 1st XPE install CD). There are several different ways,
using sdiloader and sdimgr or diskpart and xcopy to
transfer your file.

This article describes the process,

I hope this helps,


Dries Quaegebeur said:

I'm evaluating fos school a PC104 board, more specific

Now, I read a lot about the embedded versions of Windows. My task is to
compare Windows CE.NET and Windows XP embedded.

I'll start with Windows XP embedded. I understood I have to use the Target
Designer and that I have to make an image. Can I burn this image on a CD to
boot my PC104?

Yes you are right.You need to include the hardware xml list in the pmq
file into the Target Designer.This would pull all the necessary
Hardware.Do a Dependency Check to pull in automatically all the
dependent components and make the build for your target.The Component
database includes all necessary Components.You need to include
whichever satisfies your requirements that are needed to be in the
image.The XPE Installation kit includes Help files which should be
able to charge you up.You can for certain make a bootable image on a
CD.Its all in the help files .

The Help files illustrates step by step procedure for making a
bootable image(Eltorito Image).However if you dont have the help files
the contents can be sent to you.Im not sure whether MS site includes
eltorito contents (prob it should :) )

My guess with PC104 is that you shouldnt face any problems.

good luck

Dries Quaegebeur

yes, but how do I make that .pmq file if there no OS at the moment at my
PC104 module?

Thx for your help



Hey Dries,

You can use a dos bootdisk and run ta.exe.
You can also boot from the first Xp Embedded disc and then
run tap.exe.
Tap.exe is much better then ta.exe.
Look for more info in the article

good luck
ps i am a student too

Dries Quaegebeur

ic, I think I'm understanding it, but I have another problem. I have a
Flashdisk on my pc104 module. I ordered now an IDE cable so I can connect a
CD-ROM, but then, I will run tap.exe and a .pmq file will be generated.
Where will that file be saved? On the flashdisk I suppose, how do I get that
file then on my computer?

Thx all, you helped me already a lot

Dries Quaegebeur
PS: JB: where are you from I'm student in Belgium


Hey Dries

The .pmq file is saved where ever you want.
Use tap.exe /? to see the help. I use a floppy to store
my .pmq file.
I do tap /o a:\test.pmq.

Good luck
ps i am from holland

Dries Quaegebeur

hmm, yeah, that's the problem

there is no floppy. I'll try to store the pmq file on my flashdisk and then
connect the flashdisk to my computer but it isn't easy

nobody ever installed Windows XPe on a PC104 board with only a flashdisk on
it. I've ordered a cable now so I can connect a CD-ROM to it. But in the
future everything will be transferred al over the network



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