How to install a new version of an Excel program - Import file does not allow replace to modules



caveat. I'm very new to VBA and excel. I've googled and researched in
a VBA book I have and did not find a resolution.

I have an Excel program i've just completed containing 6 worksheets, 6
userforms and a number of modules with about 30 routines.
Before I give this to the user I want to figure out means to install
any future modifications made on my personal copy of the program to
the user's without wiping out the data in the worksheets.. I can't
just move in the new version as the data on the user's copy would be
wiped out.

I've tried using the Import file function but it does not allow the
import of a module/form with the same name.

Any suggestions on migrating updates into a user's copy of an Excel


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