How to implement SelectSingleNode in Compact Framework



I've discovered, to my annoyance, the System.XML.XmlDocument in the compact
framework does not implement either the SelectSingleNode or SelectNodes
method. How do you get around this? Thanks...Dan

Chris Tacke, eMVP

Public Function SelectSingleNode(ByVal xmldoc As XmlDocument, ByVal
sInput As String) As String

Dim sSelect() As String, sXML As String, i As Integer, xNode As
XmlNode, tNode As XmlNode

' Break down the input string

sSelect = Split(sInput, "/")

If UBound(sSelect) < 1 Then Return ""

' Get the first node

xNode = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName(sSelect(1)).Item(0)

' go to the next-to-last element

For i = 2 To UBound(sSelect) - 1

If xNode.HasChildNodes Then

For Each tNode In xNode.ChildNodes

If tNode.Name = sSelect(i) Then

xNode = tNode

Exit For

End If



Return ""

End If


' Handle last node or attribute

If Mid(sSelect(i), 1, 1) = "@" Then

If xNode.Attributes(Mid(sSelect(i), 2)) Is Nothing Then

Return ""


Return xNode.Attributes(Mid(sSelect(i), 2)).InnerText

End If


For Each tNode In xNode.ChildNodes

If tNode.Name = sSelect(i) Then

xNode = tNode

Exit For

End If


If xNode Is Nothing Then Return ""

Return xNode.InnerText

End If

End Function

Chris Tacke, eMVP

No, actually SelectSingleNode is usually overkill, a resource hog, and the
XML parser in CF 1.0 is deathly slow. I'd likely use another method (and
manually parse if perf was any kind of requirement). It's just a snippet I
picked up elsewhere with the intent of integrating it into the SDF. I've
got SelectNodes somewhere too.


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