How to ignore #DIV/0! in Sumproduct formula



Below is my formula...there are #DIV/0! in the data set...(I can't remove).
I want to exclude them in the formula. to I exclude the
#DIV/0! in the following formula? Thanks in advance...



try adding not(iserror(Range)) to your sumproduct formula

I have not been able to figure out what you are trying to calculate with the
0.5 in the sumproduct equation
the divide by zero error may come when the I column is less than 0.5


Thanks....I tried the not(iserror(Range)...but all it does is count the
entire range...without the criteria. the formula is trying to count the
occurances of when column H is greater than 100 and when the result of the
I-H/I is > than 50%.


unless there is another spot in the various ranges with /0 error
which is what I thought you had

Peo Sjoblom

If we assume that the div errors are caused by the second part of your
this might work


entered with ctrl + shift & enter

this assume that there are no errors in H2:H95

if there can be div errors there you could try


also array entered


Peo Sjoblom


Thanks!...Worked great.

Peo Sjoblom said:
If we assume that the div errors are caused by the second part of your
this might work


entered with ctrl + shift & enter

this assume that there are no errors in H2:H95

if there can be div errors there you could try


also array entered

Harlan Grove

Peo Sjoblom said:
If we assume that the div errors are caused by the second part of
your formula this might work


OP said there were errors in the data set. You don't need the >0.5
check in the error check.
this assume that there are no errors in H2:H95

How so? Errors in H2:H95 will propagate to the ISERROR call here.
if there can be div errors there you could try


And both will capture any other errors in the data set. If the data
set contained any #REF!, #NULL! or #NAME? errors, there's seldom any
good reason to ignore them. That is, these 3 errors usually indicate
something seriously wrong, so generally best to see them rather than
mask them.

So another alternative,


which only traps #DIV/0! errors and replaces (I-H)/I>0.5 with the
algebraically identical but more efficient H/I<0.5. Of course, if the
#DIV/0! errors were due to zeros in Main!I2:I95, the obvious
alternative would be


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