How to I write text onto connectors/lines in Excel?



I want to draw a decision tree flowchart in Excel.
Hence I need to write on the connector/line that links
two boxes. e.g. I want to write 'YES' and 'NO' onto the
connector/line. Is this possible?


Andy Pope


It would appear you can not add text directly to a connection line. You
will have to use a textbox. If you need the text and connector to move
together you can group the shapes.


Nick Hebb

A few tips:

1. Like Andy said - use a textbox.

2. Right-click on the textbox, and select Format AutoShape. In the
dialog that shows, select the Colors and Lines tab and set the border
line to No Line.

3. Once you've formatted one textbox, click the Format Painter (paint
brush symbol) button on the toolbar then click the second shape to copy
the "no line" style.

4. If the flow lines (arrow connectors) show on top of the textbox,
right-click the textbox and select Order > Bring to front from the
context menu.

5. When you're done, either disable the gridlines or set the fill color
to white for the whole sheet. This will give the flowchart a cleaner
look, and the white fill of the Yes/No textboxes will no longer stand


Nick Hebb
BreezeTree Software, LLC

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