How to I Avoid the Auto-Email Security Warning



I have Excel-VBA code to send emails with attachments via
Outlook. When doing this Outlook prompts the user "a
program is trying to send an email on your behalf, ok?".
Is there any code to get rid of this given the following.

1. I want to use Outlook (not CDO-based email)
2. I do not have Outlook Express with the sec. function
to turn off this warning.
3. I do not want to install the ClickYes shareware that
can avoid this.

Please advise if anyone knows! Thanks

Ron de Bruin

Hi Steve

Then try this

Instead of .Send in the code examples you can use this two lines.
SendKeys is not always reliable, but I have good results with it.
Note: the S is from Send, if you not use a English version you must change this letter.

Application.SendKeys "%S"

Or send mail from a computer with Excel 2000 Sr1 (no security warning)

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