How to hide/disable send button in Outlook 2007



I am working on Outlook 2007 Add-in developed in C# and VS-2008. In this we
are having our own custom form .oftOn this form we have our custom “Sendâ€
button on click event of it our processing continues. Now the problem we are
facing is we want to disable or hide the built-in send button of Outlook on
the Ribbon. Also we want to disable or hide some groups in the Tabs on
Ribbon. We have tried to do this by using custom Ribbon class implementing
Office.Core.IRibbonExtensibility interface.In ThisAddin file we have written
the following method: protected override
CreateRibbonExtensibilityObject(){return new Ribbon(); }In Ribbon class the
xml file is referred which disable the particular groups from ribbon tab.But
this is applied to all the new mail items not only to my custom form. Or at
least other best option we can see is, catch the send button click event of
outlook and with that we need "Alt+S" and "Cntrl+Enter" event also. Is it

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

When Outlook asks for the ribbon XML in GetCustomUI() it can only ask for or mail.compose. There's no provision in that callback for custom
forms and the callback occurs only once on the first item of that type
that's opened. So you need a different approach.

If you handle Inspectors.NewInspector() you can instantiate an instance of
an Inspector object for only the types of items you want to handle, for
example mail items. You can use reflection to get the Class of the weak
object reference for Inspector.CurrentItem and test it for being olMail.

Then set up that Inspector object or Inspector wrapper class to handle the
Inspector.Activate() event. In that event call ribbon.Invalidate().

If instead of hard disabling the built-in ribbon commands using
enable="false" you can set the XML to call back to your getVisible and
getEnabled callbacks. Calling Invalidate() will fire those callbacks, Since
control.Context will be your Inspector in those callbacks you can cast that
to an Inspector, check for Inspector.CurrentItem.MessageClass and return
values in the getVisible and getEnabled callbacks based on what MessageClass
is returned. Your custom UI can be enabled/disabled using the same logic.

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