How to hide and un-hide fields upon condition



I have a text box on a form and next to it I have another text box
that I want to hide unless there is data in the first text box. So, if
no information is entered in text box 1 then hide text box 2 and vice
versa. Is this easy to do?

Douglas J. Steele

In the form's Current event, put:

Me.Textbox2.Visible = Len(Me.Textbox1 & vbNullString) > 0

Put the same code in the AfterUpdate event of Textbox1.

If you want the content of Textbox2 to be erased if the content of Textbox1
is, use

Private Sub Textbox1_AfterUpdate()

If Len(Me.Textbox1 & vbNullString) = 0 Then
Me.Textbox2 = Null
Me.Textbox2.Visible = False
Me.Textbox2.Visible = True
End If

End Sub

Marshall Barton

p-rat said:
I have a text box on a form and next to it I have another text box
that I want to hide unless there is data in the first text box. So, if
no information is entered in text box 1 then hide text box 2 and vice
versa. Is this easy to do?

Most things are easy when you know how ;-)

Generally, this kind of thing is done by using a line of
code in both textbox1's AfterUpdate and in the form's
Current event procedures:

Me.textbox2.Visible = Not IsNull(Me.textbox1)

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